Red Label Agency

Our Discovery + InStream Offers

Differences between YouTube Ads Discovery and Instream

The Discovery advert will display your video/clip with suggestions from other artists in the same universe as your content. Each view generated will correspond to a person who has made the decision to click on your video/clip to view it.

Discovery will bring viewers directly to your channel and facilitate interaction (likes, subscriptions, comments).

The Instream advert (ignore ads) will display your video/clip before another video similar to your content while targeting an audience likely to like your music.

Each person who views your ad will have the opportunity to subscribe directly to your Youtube channel, and to view your other videos and therefore get you more views on your Youtube channel.

Campagnes YouTube Ads Discovery et Instream

YouTube Ads Discovery and Instream advantage

The advantage of combining Discovery and Instream is that the campaign will go live more quickly and you will benefit from a higher average viewing time while generating interaction (likes, comments, subscribers).

Our YouTube Ads Discovery + Instream campaigns

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